B2B Marketing Blog

Seven things you really must do when conducting b2b surveys

How many times have you filled in a survey and never received the "promised report"?

Some organisations don't ever seem to follow up and make the end user (me and you) feel used and abused. All smiles, bells and whistles when they need me but once they get what they want, then they forget me.

Last week I received a couple of requests to fill in a questionnaire from two well known organisations. The surveys in question were actually very interesting and just before I was disposing myself to answer the questionnaires, I came to realise that "I have filled in questionnaires for these guys before and have never received anything!". Never got the discount, never got told who actually won the free ticket to their conference, not even a thank you message. But worst of all... I never got to see the results of the report! Did it actually materialise? Or was it just a cover for internal intelligence gathering with no intention of sharing?

Before you embark on surveying your customers, followers, leads and your own prospect databases be sure to consider these 7 things you must really do when conducting b2b online surveys.

Topics: B2B Marketing Content Marketing

10 Best Avoided Event Marketing Mistakes

Last update: July 2016

As we all know the conference and events industry is constantly changing and we're now in a thriving market with the usual well established players, a new breed of specialised, niche event companies, media publishers and B2B companies doing their own events who are revolutionising the industry with fresh initiatives and sometimes daring tactics.

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Ideas Event Marketing Conference Marketing

Words that kill your email conversion rates in event marketing

2 for 1, discount, early bird, free, offer, save, exclusive, last chance, still time…these words are the back bone of so much event marketing copy. Some of them were probably in the list of “powerful” words you were issued with when you started marketing.

Topics: B2B Marketing Email Marketing Event Marketing Conference Marketing

New Rules For Subject Lines in B2B Email Marketing

Time out of the office is great to rest and have a good old read of all the things you didn't get around to - a taste of my festive break! As a bit of a marketing geek I love to catch up on what's out there on the web and for me one of the best reports from last year was the Adestra Subject Line Analysis Report: “Keywords for killer subject lines”

Topics: B2B Marketing Email Marketing Event Marketing

Is B2B Marketing Getting Boring?

Last week we attended the much awaited Funnel event by Econsultancy - it's a pretty exciting gathering in a marketers calendar and if you're serious about your job and like us, a bit of a marketing geek, then this is an event to indulge in.  While we got value out of attending, I have to say previous years have been better - nonetheless it was great being there, seeing some familar faces and meeting new ones.  

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Tools

2 Key Lessons On The Importance of Blogging for B2B Lead Generation

Chances are, if you built your B2B business website in the last 5-6 years, you will either have a blog or at least have been asked whether you wanted one included in the build, even if you said no. Blogs have become ubiquitous, one of those items that is a “must do” for the modern B2B site.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Content Marketing Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

Facebook for B2B marketing: How to create highly shareable posts

Earlier this week, in Part 1: Facebook for B2B Marketing we looked at some key statistics from research conducted by Marketo that indicated that many businesses don’t get exposure to most of the people who’ve liked their page.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Content Marketing Content Marketing B2B Social Media

Using Facebook for B2B marketing: Our views on Marketo's research

Most people using Facebook for B2B don’t realise that 80% or more of their fans never see their posts. This shocking statistic has been around for just over a year now but when we read the new Facebook research produced by Marketo, published this month, "Contagious Content for Facebook: What people share on facebook and why they share it" we decided the time was ripe to do an article on how to beat it.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Content Marketing Content Marketing B2B Social Media

How to fail at your next B2B direct marketing campaign

We all know that direct marketing is a very effective marketing channel, if you do it correctly of course! This post is inspired by an uninspiring mailing I received in the post recently that completely fails the basic principles of DM whilst also totally failing to make me feel like a valued customer - in fact it achieved the exact opposite! My objective isn't to name and shame necessarily but to share the inexcusable mistakes.

Topics: B2B Marketing Direct Marketing B2B Marketing How to

B2B marketers don’t know their lead conversion rates

According to a recent survey of 840 B2B marketers by Holger Schulze, 25% don’t know their lead coversion rates and 41% don’t know the average cost per marketing qualified lead (MQLs). 

Topics: B2B Marketing Inbound Marketing Lead Generation

Old vs new ways to define and approach a B2B marketing lead

There has been a very interesting discussion going on in the "B2B Marketing" LinkedIn group around the topic of how many times to email or call a lead before it's considered dead.

Topics: B2B Marketing Inbound Marketing Marketing Automation

Events still pack a punch in the B2B marketing mix

According to Marketingsherpa 72% of B2B marketers believe events still pack a punch! In fact good old traditional outbound methods are definitely not dead - but that's another blog for another time.

Topics: B2B Marketing Event Marketing Conference Marketing

B2B Marketing Radar: 25 January 2013

Hard to believe another week is behind us and we're fast approaching month two of 2013! Well here's our Friday round up of some of the most useful B2B marketing and event marketing stories we've come across this week.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Content Marketing Marketing Ideas Event Marketing

What's been on our B2B marketing radar this week

Going through the vast amount of content available in our industry, here is what's sparked our interest in our inbox and tweeter feeds relevant to our B2B marketing and event marketing industry this week.

Topics: B2B Marketing Marketing Trends Event Marketing

7 Tips to obtaining B2B marketing buy-in from your boss

At this time of year most B2B marketing directors are creating their strategies for the year ahead, working on the aggressive growth plans set by senior management and figuring out how far their budgets will stretch this time around.

Topics: B2B Marketing B2B Marketing How to Marketing Ideas

Most Talked About B2B Marketing Resolutions for 2013

It's hard to believe that another year has gone and we're kicking off 2013. With mince pies and mulled wine season out of the way, there's a real sense of excitement, optimism and change in the crisp winter air.

Topics: B2B Marketing Content Marketing Inbound Marketing

Using LinkedIn events to generate leads for your event marketing

With a little effort, LinkedIn Events can become a powerful tool in your events marketing strategy. If you have an event to market, make sure you cover the following basics to create a listing that works and generates new leads.

Topics: B2B Marketing Event Marketing Conference Marketing

Coming up with tomorrow's great ideas

I scheduled some time in my diary this morning to start the week a little differently – simply read. There’s so much great stuff out there to inspire and educate that sometimes one just needs to break the pattern! The workload and the deadlines will always be there, so why not create your day in a way which will bring out your best.

Topics: B2B Marketing

Best Queen's Jubilee Marketing Campaigns

The British nation have gone a little crazy with the Jubilee – there’s a real buzz and excitement in the air and I have to say it’s been great to see all the creative products and campaigns flying around. So in the spirit of all the celebrations, I wanted to share some of my favourite campaigns (not so relevant for B2B but seeing it’s a Friday let’s have a bit of fun!)

Topics: B2B Marketing

Trials and tribulations of recruiting marketing superstars

We’re been in the midst of a recruitment frenzy and it has to be said that I’ve never heard so many fibs and bad excuses before. I thought it was supposed to be tough out there in the job market? Clearly not with some of the folk we’ve seen apply or go through the interview process. Sorry, this blog is a bit of a moan but it should also give you some pointers on what to look out for when recruiting marketing talent.

Topics: B2B Marketing